Advisory Board Members

Raj Aggarwal — Graduate School of Management, Kent State University.

Dr. Aggarwal is the Firestone Chair and Academic Director of the Finance PhD program at Kent State University. He has also served as the Mellen Chair in Finance at John Carroll and has taught at Harvard and Michigan. Dr. Aggarwal has worked for executives and boards of directors at banks, Fortune 100 and other companies in financial, retail, industrial and education markets. He has been a consultant to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Comptroller of the Currency, the UN and World Bank.

Dr. Aggarwal is a member of several boards of directors, including the Financial Executives Research Foundation, Manco Inc., Fifth Third Maxxus Mutual Funds, Alchem Inc., and others. He has been widely quoted in the business media such as the Wall Street Journal, Investors Business Daily, and National Public Radio. In addition to his many articles for business executives, he is the author of twelve books and over fifty scholarly papers in finance, economics, international business, marketing and management journals. He has been the editor in chief of Financial Practice and Education journal and serves on the editorial boards of many journals in finance and in international business fields.

He has been the President or an elected officer and board member of civic and professional groups like the Cleveland Council on World Affairs, Financial Executives International, Council of International Programs-USA, Financial Management Association, Eastern Finance Association, and the Academy of International Business.

Dr. Aggarwal has an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering, an operations management MBA, a doctorate in Corporate Finance and International Business, and is a Chartered Financial Analyst.