BPM Forum™ Reports & Research |
CEE: The Future: Building
the Compliance-Enabled Enterprise
September 2006
This groundbreaking study underscores the gap between management
on compliance-related issues and ITs lack of ability to implement critical
policies and procedureswhile revealing the state of corporate governance
and legal discovery readiness, identifying potential vulnerabilities and
offering recommendations for improvement…
Market Vigilance Product Diligence: Powering Product Marketing Effectiveness
June 2006
In an environment where one false
forecast can mean a loss of billions
of dollars, product marketers are
under pressure to make fast, informed
decisions in critical areas such as
competitive analysis, product forecasting
and pricing. For that they need
accurate, real-time intelligence. This
report details the challenges – and
opportunities – in this key process…
Accelerate How You Differentiate: The Alert Enterprise Audit
June 2006
Driven by increasing competitive, regulatory and market pressures, the pace of business today is
accelerating rapidly. As a result, enterprises are confronted by the need to strengthen and hone their
capacity to both anticipate and respond to change. While executives have long suggested that this is a top
priority, the evidence suggests that signifi cant roadblocks continue to exist within this journey. As a result, important questions are being asked today of all businesses: Where are companies in this
evolutionary process of becoming more nimble, responsive and perceptive creatures of their competitive
environments? Which areas of their business are most critically in need of change? What is the role of IT in
enabling this transformation, and how satisfied are executives with their progress?…
Remote Revolution: Uptime Issues, Implications and Imperatives in the Mobile Workforce
December 2005
As the world’s mobile and remote workforce expands rapidly, to an anticipated 878 million by the end of
this decade, companies are increasingly grappling with tough questions about how to best support, secure
and empower their workers. Employee expectations are rising for ubiquitous real-time access to messaging
and data, and 24/7 support for the devices and applications that can help deliver it. Each new mobile worker
represents not an incremental impact on security and support requirements, but a multiplier effect, since the
average worker uses multiple devices, each carrying multiple new applications accessing the corporate network.
The demands of IT support and security for mobile workers is on a growth curve that threatens to rapidly
overwhelm businesses, becoming a serious business performance issue for companies of all sizes…
(additional registration required) |
Crunch Time: Global Competitiveness Audit Full Report
April 2005
If you’re an executive in the North American high technology or telecommunications
industries, there is a high probability you are feeling the heat
of increasing global competition. In general, your competition is bigger,
tougher, and decidedly more global than ever before, and it is often coming
from companies that heretofore did not sell into your market spaceUnfortunately, there is also a strong
likelihood you have not taken all the
steps necessary to prepare for this
tougher and fiercer business environment.
If your company is like most
North American technology businesses,
you are not conducting formal
company-wide assessments of your
competitiveness. There’s no executive
who is formally assigned to that
task. What’s more, your efforts and
investments in product innovation,
customer intimacy and operational
improvements may be insufficient to
keep pace with your tougher competition…
Crunch Time Executive Summary Report
February 2005
If you’re in the technology or telecommunications industries, how do you rate your company’s competitive preparedness? If you think you’re in a “very good” position, consider yourself very lucky because the odds overwhelmingly suggest you shouldn’t be that confident. In fact, more than 70 percent of executive in these industries say their preparation is good or fair, with another 15 percent sinking even lower. As the competition heats up, if you lack a competitive strategy, there’s enough room for your rivals to take a lead. Knowing your industry is changing and understanding the essential drivers of future competitiveness are the first steps in closing this gap…
Crunch Time Presentation
February 2005
Highlights: Three mega trends are cutting across the Tech industry increasing
opportunity but also competitive intensity.
Based on survey of 300 US Tech executives, companies need to be
better prepared to respond to this trends and tougher competition.
Raising the level of competitive strategy to the company level is
needed to address the broader market dislocations that are occurring.
US Tech is not standing still and taking key actions, however, it may
not be enough considering the market changes underway;
Need to Innovate beyond the core.a few big bets, engage Customer/Channel in CRM improvement efforts, and develop company level China and India strategies.
In addition, global players and potentially tightening capital markets
will keep pressure on price and margins, requiring continued focused
on operations improvements and strong capital management…
Case Study : freightquote.com
January 2005
Problem: Web site traffic and fast growth brought an unusually high percentage of bad debt customers. Management found itself limiting customer credit to avoid large write offs. Consequently we were losing business because of the self-imposed credit ceiling. Hot prospects turned cold when asked to pay in advance. Or, they simply turned elsewhere because freightquote would no longer assume the risk. As the company registers thousands of accounts each month, purchasing a credit report for every account did not seem prudent. In 2002 freightquote required 30 credit checks per day. With business only growing faster, freightquote.com needed a scalable way to manage credit without time-consuming, business-delaying procedures…
Software Drain or Business Gain:
Assessing Application Value, Relevance and Cost to Your Company
December 2004
This report is a new BPM Forum Thought Leadership Initiative that looks at the state of software deployment
and return on investment in today’s enterprise. The study measures executive satisfaction with
the value of software in their organizations and examines what companies are doing to ensure
that applications are satisfactorily aligned with business strategies and relevant to current needs.
Study results indicate that companies are highly challenged to keep their software infrastructures
aligned with current business strategies and needs. However, this isn’t only a problem of
companies finding it difficult to build the right software when they need it; it’s also a problem of
not being able to get rid of it when the time comes…..
Gauging the Cost of What’s Lost:
Improve the Return on the Resource Burn
November 2004
Improve the Return on Resource Burn is a new thought leadership initiative that studies
business performance in one of the most critical areas of endeavor for the modern
commercial enterprise, business demand acquisition. Creating and managing the new
business pipeline – the process of generating, capturing, qualifying and converting
business opportunities – is essential to the growth and profitability of companies across
every industry and geographic market. As this study shows, business demand acquisition
is a mission-critical process in which companies invest heavily, but generally are
dissatisfied with the results. Put positively, it is a business process ripe for performance
Business Process Management: Taking ERP Beyond Departmental & Data-Centric Boundaries
A White Paper by Exact Software (2004)
The ERP technology boom in the 1990’s gave organizations a means to start obtaining
much needed operational visibility but was limited to product and order processing with
other related functions and thus did not provide a complete, consolidated view of their
entire business. In today’s global enterprise, numerous business processes occur each
day that are outside the scope of ERP-from filling out a purchase request, to interacting
with business partners, to assigning documents for review and approval: the effectiveness
of each one, and the overall efficiency of your organization, is dependant on integrating
these different tasks throughout your entire business and with ERP systems….
The Key Chapter In “Open-Book Management” BPM Technology Spells Success of New Organizational Initiative
By Mark N. Clemente (2004)
Technology helped a western state utility curb water usage during a severe draught that affected the region two years ago. Today, that same IT system helps the utility better manage the “data deluge” that keeps many firms from gaining maximum financial returns. Companies succeed based on the quality and timeliness of the information they rely on for management decision-making. For one leading utility and other companies today, the challenge is successfully managing voluminous data and intelligence. The utility acted upon the challenge. By instituting open-book management as a means of better harnessing organizational knowledge — and, most importantly, bolstering employees’ communication, commitment and sense of ownership — the utility has heightened productivity and lessened costs….
BPM Is Just-In-Time Solution For Applying Real-Time Performance Management Data
By Dean Trachtenberg and Dan Hurley
Just-in-time (J-I-T) is a management discipline that relates directly to manufacturing. The underlying principles of J-I-T, however, also pertain to the “raw material” of today’s knowledge-based enterprises: business performance information…
White Paper: BPM Technology Delivers Tools For “Working Capital Management”
By Harnish Kanani. July 2004
It has been said that, in business, “cash is king.” If so, working capital is the power behind the throne in any commercial enterprise. Working capital refers to the money that companies use to fund their operations. The flow of working capital is a cyclical phenomenon. Cash comes into the business via accounts receivables. Cash goes out via accounts payables. The companies that effectively manage this “working capital cycle” are best able to attain profitability and effect sustainable corporate growth.
BPM Member Executive Poll Report. Dec. 2003
The Business Performance Management (BPM) Forum has undertaken a survey of its membership base designed to determine their attitudes, concerns, and priorities about performance measurement, compliance, and business performance management. The survey report represents the first look inside the members of the BPM Forum, an organization committed to acquiring, creating, and sharing knowledge that advances the cause of business performance and continuous performance improvement. Its members include company executives, board members, academics, business consultants, regulators, and others from major institutions and companies around the world.
Benchmarking the Board: The Performance Accountability Audit Report. Oct. 2003
The BPM Forum has completed a report on its "Benchmarking the Board: The Performance Accountability Audit," the first major survey from a corporate board member perspective looking at issues, drivers, and trouble spots around performance accountability, Sarbanes-Oxley, and business performance management. This study, which was conducted via an online survey, received over 150 responses and represents another piece of intellectual capital from the BPM Forum.
Corporate Culture Issues In Creating The Performance-Driven Organization
Raj Aggarwal explains the role corporate culture plays in a successful BPM deployment. Failing to address communication and corporate culture issues while rolling out a BPM program can factor into your ultimate success or failure. Aggarwal says that an information sharing-oriented mindset should be adopted across all levels of the enterprise and offers strategies to help get you started. Aggarwal is a BPM Forum Advisory Board Member and Firestone Chair and Academic Director of the Finance Ph.D. program at Kent State University.