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Otto Schell, Member of Board of Directors at DSAG, GM Global SAP Business Architect and Head of SAP CCoE, SAP's DSAG

Otto Schell
Member of Board of Directors at DSAG, GM Global SAP Business Architect and Head of SAP CCoE

Otto Schell is a Member of the Board of Directors of the German speaking SAP user group (DSAG), specializing in business processes and digital transformation. DSAG is the leading advocacy group for optimized SAP solutions globally, representing more than 3,000 large and mid-size companies, and 55,000 individuals. As part of his role, he runs the bi-yearly Globalization Symposium for international user communities. Schell is also chair of international relations for the UN-accredited Diplomatic Council, where he helps define the meaning of technological and market changes from a cultural perspective, between states and nations.

Schell is helping to redefine the true meaning of agility and speed for executives, based on his observation that information is everywhere, so agility is the new challenge. Arguing that there will often be too little time even for data analysis and innovation measurement, the German thought leader advocates for “real-time, all the time” business agility – and that, increasingly, companies need to attack markets.

His team is unearthing the ongoing value of whole species of underused physical assets, by revealing how smart and integrated sensors can be harnessed to optimize their use, maintenance and performance. Above all, Schell argues for the leveraging of new technologies to adopt new business models – typically, away from the sale of products and toward real-time services.

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