Knowledge Library
Curated by BPI Network staff
Recommended Reading

The Leader Habit: Master the Skills You Need to Lead–in Just Minutes a Day – Martin Lanik
Habit formation can speed success in the workplace as well–even in complex areas like leadership. The Leader Habit spotlights 22 essential leadership abilities, breaking them down into a series of small, learnable behaviors. The accompanying 5-minute exercises help you practice each of these new skills until they stick. Drawn from a study of hundreds of leaders across the globe, the book’s simple formula focuses on developing one skill at a time: sell the vision, delegate well, innovate often, empower others, overcome resistance, build strategic relationships, focus on customers, listen actively, negotiate effectively, and more.
Internet of Things: Digitize or Die: Transform your organization. Embrace the digital evolution… – Nicolas Windpassinger
Understand, master, and survive the Internet of Things with one simple and pragmatic methodology broken down into four steps. Digitize or Die is used by front-line business decision makers to digitize their strategy, portfolio, business model, and organization. This book describes what the IoT is, its impacts and consequences, as well as how to leverage the digital transformation to your benefit.
Firestarters: How Innovators, Instigators, and Initiators Can Inspire You to Ignite Your Own Life – Raoul Davis Jr, Kathy Palokoff, Paul Eder
What is the difference between those bold enough to pursue their dreams and others who never get comfortable enough to ignite their lives? The doers are “Firestarters” and, because of them, the world is a much different, and often, better place. This motivational how-to book provides insights into the crucial difference between people who make things happen and those who only think about making an impact. Based on research from many disciplines and interviews with professionals at the top of their fields, Firestarters creates a complete roadmap to achieve personal success and make an impact in the world.
Digital Transformation: Build Your Organization’s Future for the Innovation Age – Lindsay Herbert
Innovation in the face of major external change is critical for any organization’s success, but attempting to do so often leads to more questions than actions: Where do you start? How do you get the right resources? How should work be implemented? What data should you measure? For the first time, these questions are answered in a single book that covers the end-to-end execution of digital transformation – from leadership-level strategy, to on-the-ground team implementation. With the biggest revelation of all, Herbert argues, being that true digital transformation only needs to happen once because, at its core, it means becoming more adaptive to change itself.
Make Elephants Fly – Steven S. Hoffman
Make Elephants Fly is unusual in that it became a huge hit in China six months before the US launch. How did this happen? A year ago, practically no one knew Captain Hoff in China. Now his book is a best-seller. Through his own experience and dozens of case studies, Hoffman explains the process of radical innovation, showing step-by-step what it takes to innovate in the most competitive market on earth. His insights are invaluable, not only for entrepreneurs, but anyone who needs to innovate on their job.
The Innovation Code: The Creative Power of Constructive Conflict – Jeff DeGraff
Harmony is sublime in music but deadly to innovation. The only way to create new, hybrid solutions is to clash. Innovation happens when we bring people with contrasting perspectives and complementary areas of expertise together in one room. We innovate best with people who challenge us, not people who agree with us. It sounds like a recipe for chaos and confusion. But in The Innovation Code, Jeff DeGraff, dubbed the “Dean of Innovation,” and Staney DeGraff introduce a simple framework to explain the ways different kinds of thinkers and leaders can create constructive conflict in any organization. This positive tension produces ingenious solutions that go far beyond “the best of both worlds.”
Leading Organizations: Ten Timeless Truths – Scott Keller & Mary Meaney
This new book offers an accessible and practical new framework for addressing some of the most common issues facing leaders and senior managers today. Leading Organizations is anchored in a series of essays or short chapters using graphics, bullet points, and examples to illustrate the key messages and ensure a highly visual exploration of organizational design and management.