Program and Services

The DecisionROI Institute serves as a clearinghouse for information, research, analysis, knowledge exchange, and best practices on effective decision-making and decision processes in large organizations. The Institute plans to undertake several key initiatives for this purpose. Initial activities include:

  • Formation of an Advisory Board drawn from among business leaders, economists, academics, authors and consultants
  • Fielding of a major research effort entitled “Business Traction from Better Decision Action”, which will shed new light on Enterprise Decision Dynamics (EDD):
    • Executive confidence in the caliber, value, and efficiency of decision-making cycles in their organizations
    • Issues, implications and costs of poor or ineffective decision-making
    • Obstacles, inhibitors and encumbrances that stymie decision-making
    • Hierarchy of what decisions have the most impact, importance and criticality to the business
    • Politics, cultural dynamics, and reporting structures that delay, disrupt or divert decisions
    • Best processes, practices and systems for improving decision quality, accuracy, speed and outcomes
    • Variations in “decision disorder” across functional areas
    • Automation of human decision processes that reduce risk, cost, vulnerability and actionable time periods
    • Solutions, dashboards and real-time data sources that enhance or expedite decision making
  • Development of a Decision Effectiveness Model which will clarify how organizations can avoid hazards and successfully leverage information technology solutions, particularly in the form of business intelligence, enterprise planning and corporate performance management systems to enhance decision-making and advance business goals.
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