Knowledge Library

Curated by BPI Network staff

Facts and Stats

Jul 10, 2023
Cloud IT infrastructure spending is $33.4 billion of the $100-billion IT market this year. This is up from 28% of IT infrastructure spending a year ago.
Forbes *

Jul 10, 2023
Private cloud IT infrastructure spending is growing at a pace of about 17% a year, and is now at about $12 billion.
Forbes *

Jul 10, 2023
Public cloud IT infrastructure spending is growing at a rate of 32%, and is expected to reach $22 billion this year.
Forbes *

Jul 10, 2023
Cloud IT infrastructure spending will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 16%, and reach close to $55 billion of the market by 2019, accounting for 46.5% of the total spending on IT infrastructure.
Forbes *

Jul 10, 2023
In 2019, IDC, says, cloud service providers will spend $35.3 billion on IT infrastructure for delivering public cloud services, while spending on private cloud IT infrastructure will reach $19.2 billion.
Forbes *

Jul 01, 2023
The estimated total economic impact of the internet of things over the next 10 years is between $3.9 trillion and $11.1 trillion, or 3% to 11% of the world economy
Tech Policy Daily *

Jun 29, 2023
Lack of access to clean water claims 500,000 lives annually in children under the age of 5. That equates to one child death approximately every minute.
Triple Pundit *

Jun 29, 2023
842,000 people die every year from diarrheal disease caused by unsafe drinking water and lack of appropriate sanitation; that equates to 2,300 people daily
Triple Pundit *

Jun 29, 2023
The return on investment in water is incredibly high. According to U.N. Water, every $1 invested in water and sanitation produces a whopping ROI between $5 and $28.
Triple Pundit *

Jun 29, 2023
Approximately $24 billion worth of economic value is lost each year due to the time individuals spend collecting water rather than working or going to school, an activity that consumes, on average, 25 percent of women’s time in developing nations.
Triple Pundit *