Knowledge Library

Curated by BPI Network staff

Facts and Stats

Jun 29, 2023
$260 billion is lost each year as a result of limited or no access to clean water supplies and sanitation.
Triple Pundit *

Jun 29, 2023
Universal access to clean water would result in an estimated $32 billion boost in economic benefits annually.
Triple Pundit *

Jun 29, 2023
Annually, 4.3 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP is lost due to the lack of access to clean water and sanitation facilities.
Triple Pundit *

Jun 24, 2023
Crowdfunding is expected to top $30 billion this year (up from just $880 million in 2010)
LinkedIn *

Jun 24, 2023
50% of today’s college students want to be entrepreneurs, and more than 1,200 startup incubators have sprouted up around America like dandelions in summer to assist the legions of hopefuls.
LinkedIn *

Jun 19, 2023
By 2020, more than 50 percent of all the small and medium-sized organizations surveyed expect to run 100 percent of their IT in the cloud, while enterprises are a full five years behind.
CMS Wire *

May 30, 2023
Application development (34%), managed services (27%), ERP implementations (22%) and cloud (20%) are the highest spending priorities for enterprises in 2015
Forbes *

May 30, 2023
Over the next three years, the majority of enterprise senior executives forecast between 21 to 30%  of applications will be SaaS-based. 
Forbes *

May 30, 2023
40% of enterprises will have from 25% to 49% of their workloads in public clouds in five years.
Forbes *

May 12, 2023
90% of respondents to a recent World Economic Forum survey admitted they don’t fully understand the business models and long-term implications of the IIoT.
IndustryWeek *