Advisory Board


NEW: Business Volatility and Variables Q1 Audit: A quarterly pulse of financial professionals on current economic conditions, the impact on corporate performance and plans, and the effectiveness of financial management practices in uncertain times. take survey »
Collaborate to Innovate
NEW: Greater Innovation Through Closer Collaboration BPM Forum and CMO Council Study Sees Need to Optimize Business Collaboration Networks as Growing Global Business Priority read more » download report »
NEW: Market Sense-Ability Center Resources Learn how to build a corporate culture that listens and responds to customer needs and market forces. more »
Acceleration of Eco-Operation A new 90-page report and survey findings detailing the forces and factors driving supply chain executives towards greater levels of environmental responsibility, visibility, collaboration and accountability. download now »
Keeping a Closer Eye on Content ROI New CMO Council service will help technology vendors calibrate the value, relevance and influence of their content platforms, products and channels. learn more »


The new Market Sense-Ability Center is dedicated to the growth of sustainable competitive advantage through the development of Market Sense-Ability. Rate your company’s level of Market Sense-Ability. Access a new white paper on the Ever-Alert Enterprise and other relevant content. learn more »


Collaborate to Innovate is a new thought leadership initiative to evaluate the degree to which companies are optimizing and transforming their Business Collaboration Networks to improve customer experience and business performance. This new initiative will drive advocacy and insight around the need for companies to embrace internet-enabled, collaborative, multi-enterprise innovation, information exchange, decision-making and business processes – with increasing connectivity to the customer – as the new way of doing businesses in the 21st Century. learn more »
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Marketing Supply Chain Institute is a dedicated knowledge center focused on benchmark studies, cost audits and competency assessments, content aggregation, report publication and syndication, peer-to-peer interactions, best practice development, vertical industry analytics, and global models and frameworks for strategic sourcing and supplier management. learn more »


Global Renewable Energy & Environmental Network – Development and adoption of sustainable solutions
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Competitive Strategy Roundtable – Strategic Planning and Action in Disruptive Markets visit site »


Advancing performance accountability across the organization is one of the most pressing strategic imperatives and topics of concern in executive office suites.
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