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BPM Forum’s programs, reports and studies can be broad examinations of critical business issues such as enterprise decision-making and maintaining a competitive edge in an increasingly more global economy, or focused initiatives such as effective implementation of a more strategic product marketing solution or talent management strategy. Please feel free to explore our diverse current programs and research reports for our latest, or browse through our archives for some older but still very relevant work.

  Featured Programs & Reports


Marketing Supply Chain Institute
drives best practices and thought leadership in marketing supply chain management worldwide, acting as a dedicated knowledge center and think tank focused on benchmark studies, cost audits and competency assessments, content aggregation, report publication and syndication, peer-to-peer interactions, best practice development, vertical industry analytics, and global models and frameworks for strategic sourcing and supplier management. visit site »




Think Eco-LogicalT is a milestone thought leadership program that addresses both the environmental side (Eco) of IT sustainability imperatives and the pragmatic side (Logical) of proper business management. Through original content, assembled insight, and contributions from leading industry influencers and associations, Think Eco-LogicalT creates a reservoir of intellectual capital for organizations dealing with the challenges and business opportunities around environmental responsibility in the data center. The program advocates and demonstrates that IT departments can realize new levels of sustainability through reduced power usage and optimized facility utilization while achieving substantial bottom line benefits. visit site »




Acceleration of Eco-Operation
is a new management mantra aimed at bringing business gain to the value chain through enhanced trading partner visibility, flexibility and new levels of verifiable sustainability across the entire demand and supply ecosystem of global corporations. This BPI Network program looks at how unifying, focusing and controlling complex, globally distributed and highly synchronized value networks in turbulent, unpredictable times requires real-time operational insights down to the product level, accurate sourcing and sell-through intelligence, and relentless dedication to eliminating waste and realizing new efficiencies in all areas of the go-to-market process. visit site »