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  BPM FORUM Press Release, December 8, 2022
Companies Struggle With Integration and Coordination Across Complex Partner Networks As Business Interdependence Increases Globally BPM Forum and CMO Council Study Sees Need to Optimize Business Collaboration Networks as Growing Global Business Priority
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, November 16, 2022
Marketers Lag In Optimizing Global Supply Chains; Big Opportunities Exist To Reduce Cost, Improve Yield And Increase Accountability Benchmark CMO Council Study Finds Marketers Face Myriad Challenges in Mastering the Management of Supplier, Service and Logistics Partners in a $1.5 Trillion Area of Spend
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, August 14, 2023
Non-Profits Benefit From New "Pause To Support A Cause" Campaign That Ties Donation To Research Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council Leads Corporate Initiative to Raise Funds for Global Charities By Making Contributions on Behalf of Individual Respondents Completing Market Research Surveys, Studies and Feedback Audits
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, August 3, 2023
Study Shows Even the Most Savvy of Users are Failing to Properly Protect Themselves Against Online Threats
Recent In-Depth Look at the Personal Security Practices of the Working Press, Charged with Covering Cyber-Security, Shows That Even the Most Informed Users Fail to Understand Their Personal Role in Securing the Cyberspace 
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, February 9, 2023
New Study Shows eCommerce Companies in Need of IT Sustainability and Efficiency Improvements, But Failing to Take Action
Comprehensive BPM Forum and Rackable Systems Survey and Report Shows eCommerce Industry More Sensitized to Benefits of Going Green in the Data Center, but Lacking Leadership
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, January 7, 2023
BPM Forum Lauds President-Elect Obama’s Decision to Appoint First Chief Performance Officer Despite Enormous Challenges, New Position Has Opportunity to Bring New Levels of Visibility, Accountability and Change to Federal Government
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, December 2, 2022
BPM Forum and Rackable Systems Launch Think Eco-Logical Initiative to Educate Companies on the Business Benefits of Going Green
Pilot Survey Confirms Resounding Support for Campaign
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, May 21, 2023
New Study Finds Most Companies Ill-Prepared for Imminent Periods of Intense Data Flow
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, April 1, 2023
CMO Council Scorecard Rates Vendor/Channel Performance and Partnerships As Deficient Across Six Major Channel Sectors
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, March 4, 2023
New CMO Council Study Finds Personalized Communication Programs Still Under-Utilized and Under-Tested
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, September 12, 2023
BPM Forum and BlueArc Launch Milestone Uptime @ Crunch TimeT Thought Leadership Program Around Data Performance Issues and Strategies
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, July 26, 2023
CMO Council, BPM Forum and GlobalFluency select Marketwire as Official Newswire Partner
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, June 2007
Competition at the Crossroads: Strategic Planning and Action in Disruptive Markets
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, June 2007
Password Post-its a Sticky Security Situation for Corporate America The C-Suite Proves to be Greatest Offender of Casual Password Exchanges
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  BPM FORUM Press Release, May 2007
Organizations Are Missing Huge Opportunity to Divert Trash from Landfills and Benefit the Bottom Line, New GREEN Study Finds – Comprehensive thought leadership initiative, “Garbage Is a Terrible Thing to Waste,” to be unveiled on free webcast
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  BPM Forum Press Release, February 2007
BPM Forum, Deloitte Consulting Launch Major Study Group on Strategic Planning and Competitiveness in the Technology Industry. Deloitte Consulting Is Lead Underwriter for Competitive Strategy Roundtable; Initiative Will Drive Discussion & Research into Competitive Planning and Readiness.
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  BPM Forum Press Release, January 22, 2023
Study Cites Lack of Data, Leadership Problems and ill-Defined Processes as Major Factors Behind Decision Dysfunction. Executives admit to significant shortcomings in their companies’ decision-making capabilities, yet few have formal practices and policies in place, says a comprehensive BPM Forum report
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  News Corp ‘Does It’: Makes Worst Business Blunder in 2006 According to Survey, January 10, 2023
The business world has spoken: Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. committed the biggest business blunder in 2006 when it decided to produce an O.J. Simpson book and TV special with the working title of “If I Did It.”
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  BPM Forum Press Release, November 27, 2022
U.S. Corporations Face Mobile Device Compliance And Security Risks, New Study Reveals. BPM Forum Report Reveals Mobile Device Compliance Policy Gap
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  BPM Forum Press Release, November 10, 2022
Is The Race Toward Mobility Heading For A Compliance Crash? Compliance and Mobility Experts to Discuss Compliance Risks from Mobile Deployments and how to Minimize Risks in, Free the BPM Forum Webinar
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  BPM Forum Press Release, September 13, 2023
Groundbreaking Study on State of Compliance Readiness in North America Underscores Gap Between Management Expectations and IT’s Ability To Implement Appropriate Technologies and Procedures
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  BPM Forum Press Release, June 20, 2023
Product Marketers Basing Critical Decisions on Gut-Feel and Guesswork, Not Market Intelligence, BPM Forum Study Finds
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  BPM Forum Press Release, June 5, 2023
New Study Finds Executives Dissatisfied With Their Companies’ Ability to Sense and Respond to Business Change; Despite Current Challenges in Keeping Pace, IT Viewed as More Important Than Ever
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  BPM Forum Press Release, Dec 12, 2022
Remote and Mobile Workforce Boom Strains IT Resources, Increases Business Risks, Studies by BPM Forum & Avaya Find
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  BPM Forum Launches MemberConnect Network, Oct 25, 2022
New Service Enables Networking, Knowledge Sharing and Problem-Solving For Thousands of Executives and Thought Leaders Responsible for Business Performance Results
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  BPM Forum Press Release, Jun 14, 2023
Software Industry Leaders Join Initiative to Improve Quality, Value and Economics of Enterprise Software. BPM Forum Debuts Software Economics Council To Bring Together Software Providers, Integrators And Customers In An Ongoing Dialogue On Critical Issues And Best Practices
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BPM Forum Press Release, Feb. 24, 2005
U.S. Companies Not Keeping Pace with New Competitive World Order in Technology and Telecom, Study Finds.
Survey of U.S. tech executives shows only one-third formally track and assess competition despite growing concerns about competitive intensity.
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BPM Forum: Press Release, Dec 6, 2022
Obsolete Software Costs U.S. Companies Billions of Dollars In Unnecessary IT Spending, Survey Finds. 70 percent of respondents say they have redundant or discarded applications, but lack systematic processes for retiring business solutions.
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  NEW Survey: “Crunch Time: The Global Competitiveness Audit”
Annual Assessment of Tech + Telecom Rigor and Readiness
The balance of power is shifting in today’s global technology and telecommunications industry. Powerful new forces are converging to intensify competition and give rise to a new generation of competitors both domestically and overseas. What factors are essential to compete in today’s fast-changing marketplace? How can companies anticipate, meet, pre-empt and adapt to the competitive challenges? What are the new rules for survival and success?

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  BPM Forum: Press Release, November 22, 2022
U.S. Companies Severely Mismanaging New Business Opportunities, CMO Council/BPM Forum Survey Finds. Marketing and C-Level Executives Are Dissatisfied with the Way They Generate New Business Yet More than Half Lack Formal Process to Correct the Problem.
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  New Survey Underway: “Gauging the Cost of What’s Lost”
Sponsored by the BPM Forum and the CMO Council
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  New Survey Underway: "Turning Software Drain into Business Gain"
Eliminating Dated, Deficient or Redundant Business Applications.Sponsored by Cognizant Technologies with the BPM Forum.
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  BPM Forum: Press Release, May 24, 2023
BPM FORUM today announced that Chief Executive Magazine will become a media partner and co-producer of thought leadership programs. Chief Executive joins an influential lineup of companies involved in the BPM Forum, which currently represents some 500 global corporations with combined annual revenues of more than $400 billion.
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  BPM Forum: Press Release, Dec.17, 2003
Survey of Blue-Chip Forum Membership Reveals Impact of Performance Measures Beyond Financial Data
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  BPM Forum: Press Release, Nov 25, 2022
Craig Schiff’s Vendor-Neutral BPM Partners Teams with BPM Forum as the Inaugural Affiliate Member
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  BPM Forum: Press Release, July 21, 2023
Blue Chip Advisory Board and Leaders from Corporate Giants Join Forces to Drive Business Performance Accountability.
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  Hyperion: Press Release, July 21, 2023
New Era of Corporate Accountability and Performance Set According to Landmark Study from BPM Forum.
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