Current Programs |
Collaborate to Innovate
Collaborate to Innovate is a new thought leadership initiative to evaluate the degree to which companies are optimizing and transforming their Business Collaboration Networks to improve customer experience and business performance. This new initiative will drive advocacy and insight around the need for companies to embrace internet-enabled, collaborative, multi-enterprise innovation, information exchange, decision-making and business processes – with increasing connectivity to the customer – as the new way of doing businesses in the 21st Century. more »
Acceleration of Eco-Operation
The Acceleration of Eco-Operation is a new management mantra aimed at bringing business gain to the value chain through enhanced trading partner visibility, flexibility and new levels of verifiable sustainability across the entire demand and supply ecosystem of global corporations. This BPI Network program looks at how unifying, focusing and controlling complex, globally distributed and highly synchronized value networks in turbulent, unpredictable times requires real-time operational insights down to the product level, accurate sourcing and sell-through intelligence, and relentless dedication to eliminating waste and realizing new efficiencies in all areas of the go-to-market process
Learn more at www.eco-opscenter.com
Think Eco-Logical™
The Think Eco-Logical™ initiative is a milestone thought leadership program that addresses both the environmental side (Eco) of IT sustainability imperatives and the pragmatic side (Logical) of proper business management. Through original content, assembled insight, and contributions from leading industry influencers and associations, Think Eco-Logical™ creates a reservoir of intellectual capital for organizations dealing with the challenges and business opportunities around environmental responsibility in the data center. The program advocates and demonstrates that IT departments can realize new levels of sustainability through reduced power usage and optimized facility utilization while achieving substantial bottom line benefits.
Learn more at www.sgi.com/thinkecological |
Uptime @ Crunch Time
This BPI Network authority leadership campaign in partnership with BlueArc Corporation is committed to escalating executive discussions and sensitizing the market to the critical imperatives for uninterrupted, high-speed access to critical data during high-demand business events, operational disruption, or dislocation. Uptime @ Crunch Time™ embraced leading IT professionals and business executives to identify and showcase issues, imperatives, challenges, and successes in maintaining continuous data uptime in critical business scenarios. The program put a strategic spin on data performance, scalability, and resilience to meet the mushrooming data storage demands.
Learn more at www.uptimeatcrunchtime.com |
Competition at the Crossroads: Strategic Planning and Action in Disruptive Markets
Global business competition is intensifying and rapidly and fundamentally transforming, creating the need for more rigorous and far-sighted approaches to measuring and managing competitiveness. Conducted by the BPI Network and Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) group, the initiative surveyed more than 180 technology industry executives, including qualitative interviews with senior executives involved in strategic planning.
Learn more at www.bpmforum.org/csr
Full report now available: download
Global Renewable Energy and Environmental Network (GREEN)
The Global Renewable Energy and Environmental Network (GREEN) is an affinity group of corporate, non-profit, academic and government professionals, who are involved and interested in a wide range of clean energy and sustainability topics. We endeavor to deliver innovative resources, reports and events that advance knowledge and further reflection in a number of different areas, including renewable energy, biofuels, waste management, green building, pollution prevention, smart transportation, sustainable agriculture, environmental education and advocacy. The organization’s partners and members bring considerable industry and technical knowledge to the undertaking as the channels of communication always remain open.
GREEN Study: “Garbage Is a Terrible Thing to Waste”
America is underutilizing its garbage and organizations are missing opportunities to reduce costs and help the environment along the way. That’s why GREEN has completed a comprehensive report on the management of biodegradable waste at American organizations-it includes findings from an insightful survey, firsthand quotes from professionals at well-known organizations, brief case studies, and more.
Download Report »
Find us at www.bpmforum.org/green.
Alert Enterprise: Acceleration How You Differentiate
The ability to quickly identify and respond to market and operational risks and opportunities is a major competitive advantage, and one in which information technology is playing an increasingly important role. The need for companies to become Alert Enterprises is forcing management to take a serious look at internal structures, cultures and capabilities. access audit here.
Performance and Talent Management Trend Survey
The global talent war is upon us. As organizations struggle to find, retain, motivate, and develop their people adequately, they face an ever-dynamic talent landscape that is more globally competitive, demanding, and expensive than ever before. The Performance and Talent Management Trend Survey, fielded by the Business Performance Innovation Network and SuccessFactors, in cooperation with the Human Capital Institute, audits and assesses talent management trends and trajectories. The study demonstrates that the battle for talent is intensifying, leading to higher compensation packages, slower time to new hires, strains on quality and customer service, and reduced business flexibility. Download Report » |